Monday, April 18, 2011

kane: the man, the movie, the maker

"Citizen Kane" is a wonderful, terrifice movie. Is it the best movie of all time? That is impossible to say because all movies are so different. Is "Citizen Kane" my favourite movie? No. Maybe that is because it is from a different decade and that is why I do not have the same reaction as some other people. However I admire the film so much mainly because I think that Kane and Welles seemed so similar. they both to seem to have the same arrogant tone, the same impulsiveness and same form of being self-absorbed. You know, when you watch the movie today, you can see small technical errors, but in a way, that's what makes better is pointing certain flaws because I think that makes it part of the mystery of the movie. another thing about it, is that that the movie has a mystery plot and that's what grabs the people's attention. So it becomes more than a fictional bio-pic. the cinematography is excellent, the set designs are wonderful and the supporting performances are terrific in the way the describe and perform with Kane which only makes him that much more interesting.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

trailer analysis

Movie trailers are created to give a preview of a movie to see if someone would want to watch it. A trailer's main objective is to make the movie interesting and I think the best example of that is the "L.A. Confidential" trailer. That trailer is so interesting because you don't know exactly what the movie is about. clearly the most important part of a trailer is the editing and this trailer is edited so well in the way they arranged certain clips together to make the trailer more dramatic. The way they present the actors has our attention and the score gets us excited.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Media blog
I believe media is extremely important in my life because media is just another word for information. Although what makes media different from information is that it delivers information in an entertaining way.

The types of media that is most important to me is movies, music and books. They are important to me because to me they are the definition of entertainment. I think our modern culture has lost its way on what’s popular and what is good. I do not like the new technology because it is needlessly complicated (facebook).
What I dislike about the popular culture is that I don’t think it is very original. I use media for entertainment. Every once a while use it for a little bit of helpful info but mostly entertainment. The one form of media I feel most passionate about is films. You know how people say to you when you’re a kid that you can be a pirate, astronaut or secret agent if you read a book, I felt the same way with movies.

I love the way that movies give the most amazing effects that you can you can never see in real life
(“Who framed Roger Rabbit?”). I love the way in musicals, people can burst out in perfect dance and song and nobody wonders where the music is coming from (“Singing in the rain”). I love the way people can talk with crackling, fast dialogue that no one would ever talk in real life (“House of Games”). I love the fact that the actors look gorgeous even though average people don’t look like that (“Casablanca”). Films can give you something that books, music and sometimes not even TV cannot. Movie magic is the one magic I do believe in.